( Waco ) In the digital era, with so much content out there it can be difficult for brands to stand out and spark conversations. Some brands make a statement with corporate social responsibility, some do so with humor, or with celebrity endorsements. But IHOP (International House of Pancakes) tried a different approach: changing its name...for a hot second. On June 11, 2018 the Twitter universe had its eyes on IHOP. Or should I say IHOB. After weeks of speculation, the brand announced it was changing its name to International House of Burgers (IHOB). Not only did the brand receive criticism from consumers, but its competition seized on the moment to humiliate IHOB. Whataburger, Burger King, and Wendy's, and others all threw major internet shade at the new and improved IHOB ( USA Today ). ( Fox LA ) To add insult to injury, just one month later IHOB returned to its pancake roots and changed its name back to IHOP again. However, the brand then said the original n...