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First Notes

Thanks for checking out my blog! I'm so excited to start this journey online. I will be using this platform to share my opinions on the latest digital marketing trends, best practices, and content I find inspiring.

I envision this blog to be similar to the notebooks (yes those still exist) we use in classrooms or meetings to take notes. The format is simple and easy to read. But the cool thing about a digital notebook is:

a) it doesn't matter if you have bad handwriting
b) you can share and discuss your notes easily
c) there are an endless amount of pages

This notebook will be filled with all my thoughts on digital marketing. I have a background in advertising and PR, and am looking forward to continuing my career and journey in marketing. To me, marketing isn't just a great TV commercial. Good marketing can come from anyone at any time. Today, just tagging a restaurant or venue in your Instagram post counts as marketing.

On the flip side, with so many platforms to market on - conveying a simple message can become complicated. Also, many people (including me) feel like they're constantly bombarded online and offline by content. I believe the best marketing is simple, easily understood, and of course leaves a lasting impression. Much like I hope this blog will do!

Stay tuned as I discuss a new digital marketing related topic each week. Along the way, I'd love to hear your thoughts as well. Feel free to talk to me in the comments or on social media. Check out my pages below and stay in touch!



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